Written By ESR News Blog Editor Thomas Ahearn
On January 1, 2015, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will begin disposing of E-Verify records over 10 years old in accordance with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) records retention and disposal requirements (N 1-566-08-7) that mandate the disposal of E-Verify records after 10 years. For more information, read the USCIS Fact Sheet ‘E-Verify Records Retention and Disposal’ available at http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/E-Verify/E-Verify_Native_Documents/Fact-Sheet-E-Verify-NARA.pdf.
E-Verify has created a new “Historic Records Report” that includes all transaction records for cases more than 10 years old. The report is only available from October 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014. In order to retain case information, E-Verify employers must download and save the new “Historic Records Report” before December 31, 2014. NARA has prepared for USCIS the following Instructions to Download Historic Records Reports in E-Verify:
- 1. As an E-Verify participating employer or E-Verify Employer Agent Program Administrator, click “View Reports” in the left navigation menu. The “Select a report” page displays with the “Historic Records Report” link. NOTE: The “Historic Records Report” link will only be available to Program Administrators and displayed when the current date falls within the range of October 1 through December 31.
- 2. In the report selection list, click “Historic Records Report”. Additional information describing the E-Verify Historic Records Report displays.
- 3. Click “Next”. The “Enter Report Parameters” page displays with information describing the E-Verify Historic Records Report. There are no parameters available for this report.
- 4. Click “Run Report”. If Excel is available, the “File Download” window displays. NOTE: If Excel is not available, an application will need to be selected to display the CSV file data (e.g., Notepad, Word, etc.).
- 5. Click “Open”. Excel launches the Historic Records Report. Only cases associated with the Employer or E-Verify Employer Agent ID of the user account display.
Employers not using E-Verify on or before December 31, 2004 need not download the Historic Records Report since there will be no records to report. The USCIS will delete E-Verify transaction records more than ten years old annually. E-Verify employers will be advised each year when the Historic Records Report is available for downloading. According to the USCIS website, E-Verify is used nationwide by more than 500,000 employers of all sizes at more than 1.4 million hiring sites with about 1,400 new participating companies joining every week. For more information about E-Verify, visit http://www.uscis.gov/e-verify/.
Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) – ‘The Background Check Authority®’ – is a Designated E-Verify Employer Agent that helps employers with E-Verify and Form I-9 compliance. To contact ESR about E-Verify services, call Toll Free 888.999.4474 or visit http://www.esrcheck.com/Connect-With-ESR/.
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